Layout sketches

Progress is represented by the “transport map” diagram at the side, and as sections are completed the blobs are replaced by images.

The user profile page will show what has been completed, brief user info and an activity feed.

The sketches were done in the Paper app for iPad.


Specs for learning platform

Objectives of the platform

  • To create empowerment through making things to improve ones environment
  • To encourage confidence and mastery in computational thinking
  • To give people a starting point in situations where they see the value but don’t know where to start


  • A route or routes through the available resources
  • Ability to upload or embed user generated content (UGC)
  • Log in system
  • Awarding of points for UGC
  • Visual progress indicators
  • Design that resonates with 11-16 year olds
  • Badges
  • OpenBadge compatible badges

Nice to have

  • Ability to export PDF progress reports
  • Ability to use the same IA for different computing platforms e.g. Arduino
  • Awarding of points for UGC on different services e.g. Stack Exchange, GitHub
  • Automatic updating of content as the official version is updated
Specs for learning platform