I also like the way the steps show up as you get to them on GitHub Pages and these Material Design/Bootstrap hybrid themes.
Learning Sequences
A learning sequence will contain:
- Getting Started guide
- Some activities
- Some self-led projects
These sequences can be manually selected by the developer, but this is time consuming so ideally there should be some automatic selection of activities and projects. For example, three activities can be selected according to:
- Whether the user has done them already
- Ratings by other users
- Ratings by other similar users
- Timeliness – eg Christmas activities in December
The user can do more activities if they want.
Then they are given suggestions of things they can make using what they learned in the activities, which again can be selected according to criteria. Users need to upload a photo (which can be private) in order to check off that they have done these.
How the learning platform will work
The user arrives at a fairly clean page and they are asked what they want to learn. They are then shown the sequences of activities they should do do achieve it, and they can check off what they’ve already done, which is remembered for next time.
They check off when they’ve done them and get further suggestions.
For example, if they say they want to learn Scratch, they are given the following sequences to work though:
- Set up hardware
- Set up software
- Scratch
- Getting started guide
- Several activities
They would then get suggestions of what to learn next, e.g. Physical computing with Scratch.
They might have a more project-oriented aim, e.g. Making an irrigation system, which could have the following sequences:
- Set up hardware
- Set up software
- Python
- Getting started guide
- Several activities
- Physical computing
- Digital Sensors
- Analog Sensors
- Smart gardening
A sequence would be a series of practical activities, with related guides and videos. As the user gains experience they will move on from using line-by-line code examples to planning their own projects.