This is a rudimentary Skill Chain created after reading The Chemistry of Game Design. Blog post on Skill Atoms and Skill Chains to follow.
Month: February 2017
Gantt chart of projected progress
Site map
Features needed for the site
Member management
Frontend Registration and Login
Advanced Custom Fields
BadgeOS Open Badge compatible
Nested Pages
Custom Post Types either by plugin or coded in functions.php
Local Development Environment
Scope revision
I have been thinking about scaling down the project and concentrating on learning new techniques, rather than sticking with WordPress which I have an reasonable knowledge of already.
However, looking at frontend frameworks like Angular and React, and the backend frameworks Django (Python) and Firebase (various, but I would use Javascript) makes me think that the learning curve would be too steep for me to achieve the aims I have set for the learning platform.
I am thinking of a scaled down project which would be a Raspberry Pi Quickstart guide with game-based learning, still in WordPress, and if I’ve got time then create a more efficient frontend using Angular with WordPress via the REST API.